statusbar author statusbar reader w, #> 9+str_category !str_categoryChange field statusbar mouseEnter field statusbar mouseLeave .'+ +F ,&H.& w, /; cancel str_enterNewName tabOffset categories actualCategoryPage imager dflipTabs categories group field currentItem whatText currentItem default buttonclick w, "V w, /; w, /; `9lastTab tabOffset imager categories resetThumbnails `currentCategoryPage actualCategoryPage slide out top fast currentcategory str_appName s_tab_offsets a9lastTab currentItem zsflushHighlight currentItem update flipTabs ,&H.& ,&H.& sheet s_tab_offsets loadOffsets w, "V categories loadCaptions loadCaptions loadOffsets resetTabs resetTabs enterbook BKextractObject AUTHOR (BviewObj WM_RBUTTONUP hWndPrevMouseCapture $BcopyObj FALSE imager isShift isControl BKextractObject s_art_dragObj 4QcurrentObject art_SetCapture 0editObj AUTHOR n%initMouseMoveMsgs m9lastPosition WM_LBUTTONDOWN .'+ +F @WM_LBUTTONUP destination = parent of currentpage of whatWin; scrapObj of this book lockscreen of whatWin = TRUE; get screenToPageunits( ,whatWin); pagePos Vstr_dragError selection of whatWin = newObj; lockscreen of whatWin = FALSE; );send make to whatName PRINTMAN.EXE scrapObj of this book = newObj untranslateMouseMove 5#nameOfWindow normalizeMouse if newobj <> NULL; newSpot = AUTHOR wyart_windowFromPoint hWndPrevMouseCapture destination = currentpage of whatWin; syscursor = 1;syslockscreen = TRUE;syslockscreen = FALSE executeTBKMessage clear scrapObj of this book newobj = copyObject( cIart_getParent imager 7walkobj Copy Error actualPage msgBox no drop whatWin = windowreffromhandle( ,destination); s_art_dragObj P art_ReleaseCapture !evaluateTBKMessage art_SetCapture str_TBEXE in windowreffromhandle( else; IdoPrint str_MTBEXE whatWin newSpot actualPos status nameOfFile position of newObj = IT; startPage if onBackground of whatWin; WM_LBUTTONUP G5WM_MOUSEMOVE imager cIart_getParent AUTHOR pagePos normalizeMouse l9lastPosition s_art_dragObj P art_ReleaseCapture str_TBEXE whatName str_MTBEXE actualPos no drop wyart_windowFromPoint PRINTMAN.EXE nameOfFile WM_MOUSEMOVE actualObj group author (no keywords) }]dragRect . (shift+click/copy, ctrl+click/edit, rightclick/view) of this page page,background oldCursor nameString actualName statusString statusbar keywords keyString (unnamed) mouseEnter mouseY mouseX normalizeMouse zsflushHighlight utfreeSpot imager }]dragRect s_art_dragObj 4QcurrentObject normalizeMouse backdrop PAGEBACKGROUND s_art_lastPos extractObject K#05U]1 _w3\dJ4 j85#-<+ @IRiB 7fG@\ K 3/NE P03^QiM W9+3X 7z^NH _!8I_ vinitTBMs imager {initVars s_oldRightClick oinitDLLs enterApplication freeWinPointer lpBuffer lpEvalStruct s_oldRightClick lpRetValue tb40dos.dll tb40win.dll kernel tb40dlg.dll lpExpression leaveApplication lastUnits imager frameUpdate lastUnits fieldUpdate 52buttonUpdate enterpage fieldUpdate buttonUpdate frameUpdate RegisterWindowMessage art_registerWindowMessage SendMessage art_sendMessage FindWindow art_findWindow getWindow art_getWindow getParent art_getParent GetWindowText art_getWindowText GetClassWord art_getClassWord WindowFromPoint art_windowFromPoint SetCapture art_setCapture ReleaseCapture art_releaseCapture MessageBox art_messageBox GetFreeSystemResources art_getFreeSystemResources GetTickCount art_tickCount SetTimer art_setTimer KillTimer art_killTimer PostMessage art_postMessage sendkeys art_sendKeys getMemBlock getWinPointer freeMemBlock freeWinPointer tb40dos.dll tb40win.dll GetModuleFilename art_getModuleFilename GlobalAlloc art_globalAlloc GlobalFree art_globalFree GlobalLock art_globalLock GlobalUnlock art_globalUnlock GlobalReAlloc art_globalReAlloc Globalhandle art_Globalhandle GetTempFileName art_getTempFileName GetFreeSpace art_getFreeSpace kernel tb40dlg.dll removeFile art_removeFile getFileSize art_fileSize getFreeDiskSpace art_freeSpace sortTextlines art_sortTextlines sortList art_sortList listToTextline art_listToTextline textlineToList art_textlineToList initDLLs $bgetWinPointer nRetValueLength lpBuffer lpEvalStruct TBM_EVALUATE msgEvaluate lpRetValue msgExecute uart_RegisterWindowMessage TBM_EXECUTE lpExpression nMaxMsgSize initTBMs +$,$; imager WM_RBUTTONDOWN WM_LBUTTONDOWN uart_RegisterWindowMessage WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK doCallBack WM_RBUTTONUP msgCallBack WM_LBUTTONUP initTranslatedMsgs imager WM_MOUSEMOVE initMouseMoveMsgs imager untranslateMouseMove actualCategoryPage `currentCategoryPage a9lastTab update currentItem tabOffset initVars deleteObj 3QcurrentObject author viewObj editObj copyObj enterMenu oldDate art_PostMessage msgCallBack s_art_currentBook lastSaved str_dateTime saveAs .'+ +F gotScript 3QcurrentObject FALSE imager oldCursor 7walkobj actualPage str_objectCopied update statusbar copyObj .'+ +F 3QcurrentObject FALSE actualPage oldCursor vtfreeSpot actualPage update _findItem utfreeSpot zsflushHighlight currentItem currentCategory deleteObj w, #? actualPage display s_art_dragObj actualName currentcategory viewObj w, "V ,&H.& categories targetRect findFreeSpot utfreeSpot tabOffset newObj keyword vtfreeSpot oldCategory actualName keywords lcategory whatPage FALSE currentCategory s_art_dragObj QfindPage a9lasttab actualName update dialog whatName wrapItUp Object Category currentCategory category keywords editObj .'+ +F fileName $bgetWinPointer startInfoTimer freeWinPointer oldDate viewer hDart_GetTempFileName oart_removeFile lastSaved =initTranslatedMsgs str_dateTime default compactScrapBook .'+ +F ,&H.& dialog str_reset categories msgBox imager dfliptabs `currentCategoryPage vtfreespot yjstr_OKtoReset keywords OkCancel center display progress a9lastTab {artCount currentTab currentItem tabOffset default removeAllObjects reader print pages str_printOptions 5UdoDialog printpages str_about about 5UdoDialog aboutScrapBook systemInfo Cancel YesNo Ignore Exclamation system Information AbortRetryIgnore part_messageBox OkCancel Abort Question YesNoCancel Retry RetryCancel msgBox deleteObj hWndPrevMouseCapture untranslateMouseMove art_SetCapture default P art_ReleaseCapture keyDown FALSE update dialog doDialog startInfoTimer s_hWNDInfo imager estopInfoTimer s_art_currentBook =initTranslatedMsgs doCallBack ,&H.& categories categories findItem ,&H.& imager findPageNumber .'+ +F FALSE print pages groupFlag scale default doPrint w, "Q 0nstr_toolBookCaption charcount(selection of this window) command [ !evaluateTBKMessage checkBuffer selection of this window 5#nameOfWindow str_TBEXE YUart_getWindow whatName buffSize str_MTBEXE whatWin nameOfFile status listBooks lpBuffer buffer art_getWindowText nameOfWindow lpBuffer art_getClassWord modulehandle art_getModuleFilename status nameOfFile +#,#"m nRetValueLength art_sendMessage lpEvalStruct retVal msgEvaluate lpRetValue TBM_FAILED lpExpression status evaluateTBKMessage retVal msgExecute lpExpression art_sendMessage executeTBKMessage freeWinPointer $bgetWinPointer nRetValueLength msgBox newlp str_directCopy str_tooMany OkCancel FALSE lpRetValue checkBuffer words ) option keyword search list search FALSE imager dfliptabs book list `currentCategoryPage info1 object selected items center info2 display progress lastChecked a9lastTab keyword list print pages picker dialog print options currentTab scale currentItem tabOffset category myReset = NULL ,NULL,TRUE)) charcount(getObjectList( script of H/targetScript checkBuffer iresetProgress FALSE str_commenting progress str_uncommenting @\commentScript !evaluateTBKMessage progress getObjectList( #{maxCount buffSize ,NULL,TRUE) status walkObj 1, "D executeTBKMessage = scrapbook_script of str_notice script of textline 1 of script of !evaluateTBKMessage scrapbook_script scrapbook_script str_miniNotice clear scrapbook_script of status commentScript ToolBook str_toolbook TB40.EXE str_TBEXE MTB40.EXE str_MTBEXE ScrapBook str_appName Version str_version Asymetrix Corporation Created by Michael Florence Copyright 1994 str_infoString1 Asymetrix Corporation Copyright 1994 Created with ToolBook 3.0 str_infoString2 Out of Memory str_noMem bytes of memory. Could not allocate str_noAlloc Memory Error str_memError Could not free memory. str_memNoFree Object has been copied to clipboard. str_objectCopied Reset ScrapBook str_reset Click OK to remove ALL objects and reset the ScrapBook. str_OKtoReset mm/dd/yy hh:min AMPM str_dateTime Print Options str_printOptions About ScrapBook str_about Object Category str_objectCategory Keyword Search str_keywordSearch Direct Copy str_directCopy ToolBook - str_toolBookCaption There are too many objects to copy. Either free some memory or reduce the number of objects selected str_tooMany An ERROR occurred trying to copy the image. Try reducing the number of objects on the page. str_dragError WARNING! str_warning The object to be copied contains a MAKE handler. Continue at your own risk. str_make w, #? str_appName -- Script moved to userproperty scrapbook_script by str_notice w, #? scrapbook_script by str_appName str_miniNotice Category - str_category . (ctrl+click to change category name) str_categoryChange Enter a new name for this category. str_enterNewName Multiple Objects str_multipleObjects The new object has more than one item. It must be grouped to function correctly str_moreThanOne No items selected in any other books. str_NoItems Copying str_copying Scanning str_scanning Commenting str_commenting Uncommenting str_uncommenting Printing str_printing Search str_search No match found. str_noMatch No match found. Continue from beginning? str_backToStart Object Description str_objectDescription You must enter a category for the object. str_mustEnter compressed on str_compressed bytes str_bytes categories str_categories items str_items of memory str_ofMemory of disk space str_diskSpace resources str_resources forwardTab Paste object currently on clipboard. Search for item by keywords. search Show the previous page of this category. backwardTab Direct-copy selected object in another ToolBook instance. direct copy Show the next category. (click = move one category / ctrl-click = moves 5) clipboard flipleft flipright Show the previous category. (click = move one category / ctrl-click = moves 5) Show the next page of this category. str_helpText dialogs imager art_setCapture ReleaseCapture art_releaseCapture MessageBox art_messageBox GetFreeSystemResources art_getFreeSystemResources GetTickCount progress clipart 8 clipart 44 clipart 80 clipart 88 Transportation print pages Office clipart 25 clipart 52 clipart 56 clipart 65 category clipart 115 Animated clipart 15 clipart 37 clipart 39 clipart 51 clipart 93 art 73 clipart 105 clipart 5 clipart 34 clipart 43 clipart 50 clipart 58 clipart 85 Building clipart 27 clipart 29 clipart 67 clipart 69 clipart 76 clipart 72 clipart 96 clipart 92 Banners clipart 24 clipart 42 clipart 46 clipart 64 clipart 17 clipart 19 clipart 33 clipart 55 clipart 71 clipart 114 clipart 91 search picker clipart 7 clipart 9 clipart 14 clipart 70 clipart 41 clipart 87 clipart 78 clipart 90 clipart 89 clipart 104 clipart 98 about clipart 4 clipart 40 clipart 48 clipart 84 clipart 23 clipart 32 clipart 36 clipart 63 oldCursor nameString actua imager clipart 13 clipart 31 clipart 57 clipart 59 clipart 95 clipart 75 clipart 103 clipart 3 clipart 30 clipart 38 clipart 45 clipart 54 clipart 83 clipart 22 clipart 26 clipart 62 clipart 66 Miscellaneous progress clipart 116 Arrows clipart 12 clipart 16 clipart 21 clipart 61 clipart 106 People clipart 2 clipart 6 clipart 20 clipart 28 clipart 68 clipart 60 clipart 86 clipart 11 clipart 35 clipart 53 clipart 77 clipart 79 clipart 99 clipart 97 clipart 118 clipart 101 clipart 10 clipart 18 clipart 47 clipart 49 clipart 74 clipart 100 clipart 94 clipart 108 clipart 103 cash register -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook notifyAfter make spot = stopSpot of group "drawer" of self item 1 of spot = item 1 of spot*item 1 of syspageunitsperpixel item 2 of spot = item 2 of spot*item 2 of syspageunitsperpixel move group "drawer" of self by spot notifybefore enterPage move group "drawer" of self to position of rectangle "spot" of self to handle buttonclick spot = stopSpot of group "drawer" of self numsteps = 5 x = item 1 of spot*item 1 of syspageunitsperpixel/numsteps y = item 2 of spot*item 2 of syspageunitsperpixel/numsteps step i from 1 to numSteps move group "drawer" of self by x,y pause 1 seconds move group "drawer" of self to position of rectangle "spot" of self scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script drawer -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook 3167,2707 startSpot 66,41 stopSpot scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script 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HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script clipart 101 clipart 100 clipart 99 \ U 6 clipart 98 clipart 97 clipart 96 clipart 95 clipart 94 clipart 93 clipart 92 clipart 91 clipart 90 clipart 89 clipart 88 clipart 87 clipart 86 clipart 85 clipart 84 clipart 83 clipart 80 clipart 79 clipart 78 3214,1620 realSize Group id 23 of Page id 75 actualObj clipart 77 15,15 lastUnits air mail -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter make show objects of self notifyAfter author show objects of self notifyAfter reader step i from 1 to 5 hide group i of self notifybefore enterPage step i from 1 to 5 hide group i of self to handle buttonclick show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 5 show group i of self hide group (i-1) of self if i = 2 hide group "start" of self end hide group 5 of self show group "start" of self @ t@/ _ ZC3C start %"%`$b% l%/ clipart 76 slam dunk -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter make show objects of self notifyAfter author show objects of self notifyAfter reader show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 6 hide group i of self notifybefore enterPage show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 6 hide group i of self to handle buttonclick step i from 2 to 6 show group i of self hide group (i-1) of self hide group 6 of self show group 1 of self }-2 m. r&H-w9 r "Bc 'r&H- #p&@)SA C+ (u[ 3~1'} 1&,&2 !.-e!% F-5!y N1V&u ~+-&N1 @/8"A 1"$+3r% *; u. 0@# 10$ /x$H0 clipart 75 fish bowl school -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter make show objects of self notifyAfter author show objects of self notifyAfter reader show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 10 hide group i of self notifybefore enterPage show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 10 hide group i of self to handle buttonclick step i from 2 to 10 show group i of self hide group (i-1) of self hide group 10 of self show group 1 of self vTw i | xab :m. ; clipart 74 plane -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter author item 1 of position of self = 0 notifyAfter enterPage item 1 of position of self = 0-(item 1 of syspageunitsperpixel)-(item 1 of size of self) numSteps = 20 stepSize = ((item 1 of size of this window * item 1 of syspageunitsperpixel) + item 1 of size of self)/numSteps step i from 1 to numSteps move self by stepSize,0 )Y"x "l h#k " %!l R#S 1 )S X "l h#k " %!l TYPE YOUR TEXT HERE clipart 72 camera -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter make show objects of self notifyAfter author show objects of self notifyAfter reader step i from 1 to 5 hide group i of self notifybefore enterPage step i from 1 to 5 hide group i of self to handle buttonclick show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 5 show group i of self hide group (i-1) of self hide group 5 of self ` C ` clipart 71 phone -- Script moved userproperty scrapbook_script HScrapBook scrapbook_script notifyAfter make show objects of self notifyAfter author show objects of self notifyAfter reader show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 6 hide group i of self notifybefore enterPage show group 1 of self step i from 2 to 6 hide group i of self to handle buttonclick step i from 2 to 6 show group i of self hide group (i-1) of self show group 1 of self hide group 6 of self L n>{ Q M< ? TTO clipart 70 clipart 69 clipart 68 clipart 67 clipart 66 clipart 65 clipart 64 clipart 63 clipart 62 o 3 Q clipart 61 clipart 60 clipart 59 clipart 58 B B 1 ` B clipart 57 clipart 56 3 o Q B ~ Q clipart 55 0 o clipart 54 clipart 53 clipart 52 clipart 51 clipart 50 clipart 49 clipart 48 clipart 47 clipart 46 clipart 45 clipart 44 clipart 43 w @@@ clipart 42 clipart 41 clipart 40 clipart 39 ~ Q _ Q ~ B ~ 3 ~ clipart 38 clipart 37 Q 3 Q ~ $ ~ R clipart 36 clipart 35 7 f+| clipart 34 3 $ ` 3 B clipart 33 ~ ` ` ~ $ clipart 32 clipart 31 clipart 30 ~ ~ ~ B B Q Q B $ ` B o Q clipart 29 scrapbook_script zyxvutststssrrrrrqpppppqrstuvxxxxxxxwwwvvvvvvwwxyyzzzzyxwvuuuuuuvwxyzz{{{zyxwvvvvwxyyz{||}|}|||}~ ~}}|}||||}}~~}}}}}}}}}}~~ clipart 28 clipart 27 clipart 26 clipart 25 clipart 24 clipart 23 actualName Gas Station keywords Building category Buildings clipart 22 actualName Residential keywords Building category Buildings clipart 21 actualName Condo keywords Building category Buildings clipart 20 actualName University keywords Building category Buildings clipart 19 actualName Stadium keywords Building category Buildings ~ < B ( Y clipart 18 actualName Hospital keywords Building category Buildings 3 ~ B clipart 17 actualName Government keywords Building category Buildings clipart 16 actualName keywords Building category Buildings clipart 15 actualName keywords Building category Buildings clipart 14 actualName Hotel keywords Building category Buildings clipart 13 actualName Skyscraper keywords Building category Buildings clipart 12 actualName Name Plate keywords Plate category Banners clipart 11 actualName Name Plate keywords Plate category Banners clipart 10 actualName Banner keywords Banner category Banners clipart 9 actualName Banner keywords Banner category Banners clipart 8 actualName Prize Ribbons keywords Ribbons category Banners clipart 7 actualName Award Plate keywords Plate,Banner category Banners clipart 6 actualName Arrows keywords Directional Arrows category Arrows clipart 5 actualName Curved Arrow keywords Directional Arrows category Arrows clipart 4 actualName Arrows keywords Directional Arrows category Arrows clipart 3 actualName Arrows keywords Directional Arrows category Arrows clipart 2 actualName Arrows keywords Directional Arrows category Arrows artCount Animated Group 11 freespot numPages FALSE actualPage page "clipart 77" actualName Flying Mail keywords Air Mail,Envelope category Animated realSize 5423,5524 actualObj Group id 453 of Page id 118 start %"%`$b% l%/ Animated Group 11 freespot numPages FALSE actualPage page "clipart 76" actualName Slam Dunk keywords Basketball,Sports category Animated realSize 6933,5854 actualObj Group id 281 of Page id 117 }-2 m.s r&H-5. 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Ribbon,Award keywords Banners category page "clipart 8" actualPage 1215,2655 realSize Group id 46 of Page id 31 actualObj Z7v7o Banner actualName Ribbon,Scroll keywords Banners category page "clipart 9" actualPage 4275,780 realSize Group id 33 of Page id 34 actualObj Ribbon actualName Banner,Scroll keywords Banners category page "clipart 10" actualPage 3195,1140 realSize Group id 35 of Page id 35 actualObj BN^No Gold Plate actualName Plate,Brass keywords Banners category page "clipart 11" actualPage 3870,825 realSize Group id 29 of Page id 36 actualObj Silver Plate actualName Plate,Steel keywords Banners category page "clipart 12" actualPage 3870,855 realSize Group id 37 of Page id 37 actualObj *`M T b`. { Ba& v Building Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 freespot numPages FALSE Town Hall actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 20" actualPage 3915,3915 realSize Group id 191 of Page id 48 actualObj J;f;o Condominium actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 21" actualPage 3421,2710 realSize Group id 135 of Page id 50 actualObj @B# 6 House actualName Building,Residential keywords Building category page "clipart 22" actualPage 4737,2235 realSize Group id 61 of Page id 51 actualObj Gas Station actualName Building,Gas Pump keywords Building category page "clipart 23" actualPage 4111,2760 realSize Group id 95 of Page id 52 actualObj Building numPages Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 21 Group 22 Group 23 freeSpot FALSE Office actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 13" actualPage 2743,4264 realSize Group id 81 of Page id 38 actualObj Hotel actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 14" actualPage 4360,3415 realSize Group id 99 of Page id 40 actualObj Restaurant actualName Building,Cafe keywords Building category page "clipart 15" actualPage 3285,2773 realSize Group id 97 of Page id 43 actualObj actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 16" actualPage 4075,2445 realSize Group id 108 of Page id 44 actualObj School actualName Building,Library keywords Building category page "clipart 17" actualPage 3840,2652 realSize Group id 130 of Page id 45 actualObj Hospital actualName Building,Ambulance keywords Building category page "clipart 18" actualPage 3852,2805 realSize Group id 88 of Page id 46 actualObj 3 ~ B Stadium actualName Building keywords Building category page "clipart 19" actualPage 4761,2235 realSize Group id 72 of Page id 47 actualObj ~ < B ( Y Office Group 11 freespot numPages FALSE actualPage page "clipart 48" actualName keywords Letter,Envelope category Office realSize 4966,2430 actualObj Group id 26 of Page id 81 Office numPages Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 21 Group 22 Group 23 Group 24 freeSpot page "clipart 24" actualPage Pen and Paper actualName Paper,Pen,Notepad keywords Office category 2865,3990 realSize Group id 71 of Page id 53 actualObj page "clipart 25" actualPage actualName Post-It,Tack keywords Office category 2315,2055 realSize Group id 17 of Page id 55 actualObj page "clipart 26" actualPage File Cabinet actualName Files keywords Office category 2173,3263 realSize Group id 19 of Page id 56 actualObj page "clipart 27" actualPage actualName Files keywords Office category 3495,2325 realSize Group id 6 of Page id 57 actualObj *<*o page "clipart 28" actualPage Rolodex actualName Cardfile keywords Office category 2370,1935 realSize Group id 27 of Page id 58 actualObj [ -Q page "clipart 29" actualPage Calendar actualName Calendar keywords Office category 4253,2430 realSize Group id 28 of Page id 59 actualObj page "clipart 40" actualPage Briefcase actualName Briefcase keywords Office category 4996,3347 realSize Group id 68 of Page id 72 actualObj page "clipart 47" actualPage actualName Letter,Envelope keywords Office category 2966,1650 realSize Group id 29 of Page id 80 actualObj People Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 freespot numPages FALSE page "clipart 59" actualPage Auto Mechanic actualName Man,Engine,Car keywords People category 3864,2760 realSize Group id 90 of Page id 94 actualObj page "clipart 61" actualPage Policeman actualName Man,Cop keywords People category 2565,4094 realSize Group id 70 of Page id 97 actualObj page "clipart 62" actualPage Welder actualName Woman keywords People category 3403,3270 realSize Group id 55 of Page id 98 actualObj o 3 Q People Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 21 Group 22 Group 23 Group 24 freespot numPages page "clipart 36" actualPage Man at Computer actualName Man,Computer keywords People category 2791,2730 realSize Group id 87 of Page id 67 actualObj N.j.o page "clipart 37" actualPage Woman at Copier actualName Woman,Copy Machine keywords People category 2889,3684 realSize Group id 88 of Page id 69 actualObj Q 3 Q ~ $ ~ R \KxKo page "clipart 38" actualPage Man at Copier actualName Man,Copy Machine keywords People category 3090,3680 realSize Group id 79 of Page id 70 actualObj ^ezeo page "clipart 39" actualPage Woman on Phone actualName Woman,Desk,Computer,Phone keywords People category 2893,3165 realSize Group id 96 of Page id 71 actualObj ~ Q _ Q ~ B ~ 3 ~ $ oz page "clipart 55" actualPage Astronaut actualName Space keywords People category 2280,3984 realSize Group id 69 of Page id 90 actualObj 0 o page "clipart 57" actualPage actualName Man,Cook keywords People category 2865,3302 realSize Group id 62 of Page id 92 actualObj page "clipart 58" actualPage Farmer actualName Man,Tractor keywords People category 3120,3417 realSize Group id 111 of Page id 93 actualObj B B 1 ` B 7 @@@ ' @@@ ? @@@ page "clipart 60" actualPage Painter actualName Woman keywords People category 2295,3928 realSize Group id 63 of Page id 96 actualObj People numPages Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 21 Group 22 Group 23 freeSpot FALSE page "clipart 30" actualPage Children actualName Kids,Book keywords People category 3135,2539 realSize Group id 91 of Page id 60 actualObj ~ ~ ~ B B Q Q B $ ` B o Q page "clipart 31" actualPage Cash Machine actualName Woman keywords People category 2892,2235 realSize Group id 85 of Page id 62 actualObj page "clipart 32" actualPage Graduate actualName Man,College keywords People category 2250,2505 realSize Group id 80 of Page id 63 actualObj page "clipart 33" actualPage Business Woman actualName Woman keywords People category 1770,4107 realSize Group id 61 of Page id 64 actualObj ~ ` ` ~ $ page "clipart 34" actualPage Business Man actualName keywords People category 1788,4126 realSize Group id 83 of Page id 65 actualObj 3 $ ` 3 B page "clipart 35" actualPage Business Meeting actualName People keywords People category 4328,2130 realSize Group id 204 of Page id 66 actualObj page "clipart 56" actualPage Carpenter actualName Woman keywords People category 2025,4029 realSize Group id 62 of Page id 91 actualObj 3 o Q B ~ Q Miscellaneous Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group "14" Group "21" Group "22" Group "23" Group "24" freespot numPages page "clipart 51" actualPage Magnifying Glass actualName Magnifying Glass keywords Miscellaneous category 1710,3630 realSize Group id 17 of Page id 85 actualObj page "clipart 52" actualPage Binoculars actualName Binoculars keywords Miscellaneous category 5127,2690 realSize Group id 36 of Page id 87 actualObj page "clipart 53" actualPage Compass actualName Compass keywords Miscellaneous category 3396,1770 realSize Group id 18 of Page id 88 actualObj 6 R o Group id 10 of Page id 138 actualObj page "clipart 96" actualPage actualName keywords Miscellaneous category 767,365 realSize :$V$o Group id 6 of Page id 139 actualObj page "clipart 97" actualPage actualName keywords Miscellaneous category 765,390 realSize ('D'o Group id 42 of Page id 140 actualObj page "clipart 98" actualPage Europe actualName keywords Miscellaneous category 2834,3239 realSize 5 6 G A Group id 89 of Page id 141 actualObj page "clipart 99" actualPage Keyboard actualName Piano,Keys keywords Miscellaneous category 6750,710 realSize U 8Pv U dP~ U PS U |S' U 4U@ Group id 97 of Page id 143 actualObj page "clipart 101" actualPage Stopwatch actualName Timer,Watch keywords Miscellaneous category 885,1050 realSize ` AUTHOR progress progress maxCount value maxSize Commenting progress Commenting item 145 of 145 frame info2 Available Resources: info1 buttonclick buttonclick close "info" title ToolBook ScrapBookBookser FALSE hilite about w, #? w, #? 3str_toolbook !Oversion str_version str_appName =oldReaderRightClick version title enterPage =oldReaderRightClick leavePage "title" = str_toolbook()&&str_appName() "version" = str_version()&& oldReaderRightClick = sysReaderRightClick k = FALSE 'k = oldReaderRightClick version title ToolBook ScrapBookBookser dialog buttonclick buttonclick close "dialog" Created with ToolBook 4.0 Copyright 1995 Asymetrix Corporationonionon version Version 1.16203ookBrowser str_infoString1 FALSE str_infoString2 hilite buttonClick rightButtonUp buttonClick "info" = str_infoString1() "hi" "hilite" ring2() = FALSE = NOT rb hilite FALSE 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currentPage "imager" 4= 1,1 " = "thumbnail" C > 1 4= 1,4 y -1) " = "clipart" 4= 1,2 close "dialog" Cancel dialog buttonClick buttonClick close "dialog" Cancel Cancel buttonClick buttonClick art_sendKeys("%S",0) printSetup &Setup Select the desired object to print. object FALSE picker 15,15 lastUnits Currently selected item(s) Select book to copy selection fromhing dialog buttonClick buttonClick "dialog" Cancel dialog buttonClick buttonClick close "dialog" Cancel frame book list frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = 8list" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable book list selected items whatItems Mart_listToTextline buttonClick buttonClick oselectedTextlines <> NULL = art_listToTextline( oselectedtextlines) whatItems Animator id 0 of Page id 0 whatItems frame selected items frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = "selected x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable selected items frameUpdate category imager keyword currentCategory category enterpage combobox "keyword" category" currentCategory 8<> "imager" 15,15 lastUnits Select or Enter an object category Enter a name for the objectyyegory Select or enter keywords for searching frame frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable frame keyword frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = combobox "keyword" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable keyword keywords Mart_listToTextline enterdropdown ,&H.& RDnewItem keywords whatText keywords checkNewItem w, "V ,&H.& FALSE keywords newItem enterdropdown dropdownItems = art_listToTextline(keywords checkNewItem whatText = cQUOTE X<> NULL newItem( FALSE frame category frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = combobox "category" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable category categories Mart_listToTextline enterdropdown RDnewItem categories categories currentTab whatText checkNewItem w, "V ,&H.& FALSE categories currentTab newItem enterdropdown dropdownItems = art_listToTextline(categories checkNewItem whatText = cQUOTE c"," ~(",", newItem( currentTab FALSE msgBox checkNewItem keyword pstr_mustEnter OkCancel response dialog str_objectDescription category buttonClick buttonClick -- see there are checkNewItem combobox "keyword" category" -- have = NULL response = msgBox(str_objectDescription(), str_mustEnter(), "Stop", "OkCancel", 1, "task") "dialog" Cancel dialog buttonClick buttonClick close "dialog" Cancel frameUpdate Arrows dialogs CANCEL button "CANCEL" of button "OK" of syscuror default keyDown -- generic dialog handler -- test Bexits so, does action isObject(" B""CANCEL"" buttonclick syscuror = default n = keyEnter B""OK"" B"OK" border search search list Mart_listtotextline 'art_sortTextlines keyword list keywords enterpage list" selectedtextlines "keyword = NULL = art_sortTextlines(art_listtotextline(keywords 15,15 lastUnits acceptDrop draggable Keyword List acceptDrop draggable Search List frame search list frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = list" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable search list acceptDrop draggable frame keyword list frameUpdate notifyBefore frameUpdate b = "keyword list" x = syspageunitsperpixel y = b)-x,( b)-y, ( b)+x, ( acceptDrop draggable keyword list search list search found buttondoubleclick <> NULL selectedtextlines list" [found acceptDrop draggable words lastChecked buttonClick buttonClick lastChecked lastChecked Match Whole Words Only AcceptDrop draggable &Find cancel search list keyword list buttonclick buttonclick list" selectedtextlines "keyword " = NULL AcceptDrop draggable &Clear FALSE found update dialog Search buttonClick buttonClick found "Search" = NULL update 8= FALSE isOpen "dialog" close AcceptDrop draggable &Done frameUpdate 9409141149216080255366 sheet1 sheet5 sheet4 sheet3 sheet2 sheet1 default mouseEnter <> default imager 9409141149216080255366 ASYM_TpID FALSE imager author update leavepage `9lastTab imager dflipTabs update update enterpage default mouseEnter the imager ,mode update 8= FALSE ^tabs only we need 8= NULL lastTab 8<> 0 flipTabs ( = default 13,24 selectChars cursor "hand" searchString 15,15 lastUnits Office People_ Miscellaneousn Transportation Arrowsngtation controls !8str_helpText statusbar mouseEnter statusbar mouseLeave statusbar = str_helpText( 0SPACE search search default str_keywordSearch syscuror 5UdoDialog buttonClick dialog buttonClick doDialog " ",str_keywordSearch(),TRUE syscuror = default clipboard direct copy flipCategory catPage mnumPages actualCategoryPage `currentCategoryPage numPages flipleft flipright actPage Update notifyAfter Update isObject(currentCategoryPage catPage = actPage = actualCategoryPage numPages = \<> NULL enabled B"flipleft" = FALSE B"flipright" = TRUE flipLeft imager previous `currentCategoryPage \dfindPageNumber flipRight PYflipPage startPage buttonClick -- LOCALIZE: handler replaced buttonClick `= NULL "imager" startPage = findPageNumber(currentCategoryPage pagenum = pageNum > 0 flipPage " enabled B"flipRight" "main" = TRUE 8= currentPage = FALSE flipRight imager mnumPages `currentCategoryPage numpages \dfindPageNumber flipLeft PYflipPage buttonClick --LOCALIZE: handler gets replaced buttonClick `= NULL "imager" pagenum = - findPageNumber(currentCategoryPage numpages = numPages pageNum <= flipPage " enabled B"flipLeft" "main" = TRUE = FALSE flipTab backwardTab tabOffset forwardTab actualCategoryPage `9lastTab dflipTabs a9lastTab currentItem currentItem tabOffset buttonClick tabOffset Update buttonClick loc, isShift, isControl `= NULL tabOffset lastTab b(1,currentItem actualCategoryPage flipTabs ( "tabs" enabled B"forwardTab" = TRUE 8- 1 < 0 = FALSE notifyAfter Update 8- 1 < 0 forwardTab reader author enterbook Update rapBook ScrapBook System Information page "info" found closeWindow closeWindow defaultposition found = NULL dialog Print Options page "category" closeWindow closeWindow defaultposition display rows - Arrows page "art" progress ScrapBook page "progress" imager page "imager" imager =initTranslatedMsgs openwindow imager closeWindow openwindow == pageUnitsToClient( "imager" /"main") initTranslatedMsgs closeWindow untranslateAllWindowMessages clientHandle shown hidden rapBook rapBook 2400,1335 ScrapBook - Arrows owMessages clientHandle shown hidden lastPosition 4470,615 page "main" 960,1470 lastPosition Arrows - 4 Point Arrow HHt&Ht# t2HtY3 currentcategory categories :HDMEDIAPATH FALSE \MTB40\SAMPLES\SCRAPBK.TBK" System Arial Arial Arial Arial MS Sans Serif info_LastSaved Arial info_LastSavedBy Arial targetScript arial Times New Roman MS Sans Serif keywords tabOffset lastTab oldCursor 11/07/95 11:06 AM Watch,Timer,Boat,Piano,Key,Arrows,Pointer,Previous,Next,Magnifying Glass,Sports,Plane,Mass Transit,Train,Motorcycle,Bike,Automobile,18 Wheeler,Truck,Semi,Cop,Car,Engine,Tractor,Cook,Space,Hands,Compass,Binoculars,Flashlight,Map,Letter,Newspaper,Magazine,Drink,Sun Glasses,SLR,35mm,Keys,Glasses,Briefcase,Phone,Desk,Copy Machine,Computer,People,College,Man,Woman,Book,Kids,Calendar,Cardfile,Files,Tack,Post-It,Notepad,Pen,Paper,Gas Pump,Residential,Ambulance,Library,Cafe,Building,Office,Brass,Scroll,Award,Ribbon,Steel,Plate,Arrow,Air Mail,Envelope,Mail,Basketball,Fish Bowl,Fish,Biplane,Banner,Airplane,Cash Register,Flash,Camera,Telephone lastSaved version FALSE currentItem Page id 22 of Book "D:\FOO.TBK" 11:27 AM Arrows ook "D:\FOO.TBK" currentCategoryPage 11/07/95 11:06 AM Arrows,Transportation,Miscellaneous,People,Office,Building,Banners,Animated FALSE FALSE FALSE Mike Florence Arrows 7/27/95 10:33:08 AM FALSE O.TBK" FALSE rrentItem FALSE rrentObject routine finds a that has enough room -- hold the image Fsteps through freespot array empty -- arguments: obj = be placed -- returns: a two digit "row&col" findFreeSpot LOCAL ARRAY freeSpot[2][4] whatPage = currentCategory howBig = 102-percentfreespace /"art" (full actualCategoryPage i][j] = NULL i = 2 j = 4 = TRUE (i&j) makeNewPage /"main" handler sizes positions thumbnail whatSpot = thumbNail INT pixelX, pixelY, biggest, i STACK realSize, targetSize, targetBounds mySelection = sysPageUnitsPerPixel \) >= /) - (2 * centerObj locates category sets up be user later correct If no found, created. findPage t[2][4] tabOffset = lastTab = /"imager" currentItem 8= findItem( taboffset currentCategoryPage numpages (i + j) -- no !skip numPages = FALSE -- centers another targetObj = Oover (use obj, *)/2,( v)/2, -- modifies look good %thumbnails modify massageObj objList = whatObj objType = oldSys = drawdirect S"STAGE" outerbevelwidth { = 5 innerbevelwidth borderwidth "BUTTON" / (( currentObject 8) / ( excludeTab stretchgraphic "COMBOBOX" / (( 8) / ( "RECORDFIELD" / (( 8) / ( / (( 8) / ( = "picture" = "paint <> 0 <> 0 <> 1 called whether pasting clipboard coping complete final common functions. targetRect = 2 specifing where should wrapItUp setFreeSpot 8= obj currentPage update shows ] dialog results getCategory doDialog " ", str_objectCategory(), isOpen close actualName keywords comboBox " -- handles flipping flipPage whatWay flushHighlight /= "inset" transition " resetThumbnails -- resets bacground t[2][4] thispage = [i][j] = (i&j) clears selected itme on (i&j) <> LIGHTGRAY (i&j) -- creates a flag = means existing t[2][4] = currentcategory -- loads {reference obect t[2][4] obj&"E& buttonClick loc, isShift, isControl `= NULL tabOffset = lastTab = (categories 8) - actualCategoryPage currentItem flipTabs ( "tabs" enabled B"backwardTab" = TRUE sendnotifyAfter update Update 8+ 1 > = FALSE -- This handles adding the ScrapBook -- via direct copying another instance buttonClick LOCAL ARRAY bookList[32][3] INT counter )STRING buffer a list listBooks \1][1] <> NULL -- load picker dialog [whatItems ][1] <> booklist[ ][1]&CRLF ][2]& selectedTextLines " = 1 " = art_listToTextline( -- there only one eautomatically ) = 1 hWnd = 1][3] doDirectCopy doDialog " ", str_directCopy(), TRUE isOpen close = selectedTextlines msgBox( str_NoItems(), "exclamation") actually does -- arguments: source SYSTEM STACK s_scriptObjList "imager" /"art" !skip artCount = "clipart"&&( -- find out obj = evaluateTBKMessage( "AngledLine,Field,Picture,Arc,Group,Pie,Polygon,IrregularPolygon,Button, >Rectangle,Curve,RoundedRectangle,ComboBox,Stage,Ellipse,PaintObject" "There no supported getOut progress maxCount = (obj) mode /" = str_copying() R" = resetProgress sysSuspendMessages = executeString = "ss = windowRefFromhandle("& &");obj="& &";dest ="& copyObject( = ss" executeTBKMessage( = FALSE = default necessary ) > 1 whatObj = centerObj scripts user status = walkObj ( "main" update -- display cateory category", str_objectCategory(), currentCategory combobox " thumbnail findPage targetRect = findFreeSpot( newObj = [scrapbook_script actualObj actualPage "&"E& actualName keywords comboBox " wrapItUp [the statusbar changing modes notifyBefore += NULL @= SPACE -- display ahelp = str_category()&& >&str_categoryChange() -- figure out what 9was clicked buttonclick loc, isShift, isControl LOCAL OBJECT obj "imager" actualCategoryPage > <> " c) <> whatItem = ( currentItem )+ tabOffset flipTabs ( = default (str_enterNewName() whatText = IT cQUOTE c"," ~(",", (categories 8) = -- LOCALIZE: This handler replaced tabs correct SYSTEM s_tab_offsets[5][5] INT level, maxCount, numTabs = 5 numLayers = reverseNum = v - lastTab `= TRUE through their fillcolors -- positions have been loaded array ( ][]) speed obj = 9"&i) ) <= 9"&i) = 9"&i) = = 1 <> 0 `= str_appName()&&"-"&& 9"&i) 9"&i) = LIGHTGRAY "mask" 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 9"&i) = 1 flushHighlight = "inset" `= FALSE currentPage transition "slide isObject( currentCategoryPage currentcategory resetThumbnails update "main" -- predetermine loadOffsets s[5][5] pixel syspageunitsperpixel) 9"&i) spot = i][j] = ( o*(j-1))), ("sheet"&j) initial captions loadCaptions 8),5) 9"&i) = resetTabs notifyAfter --LOCALIZE: entire gets replaced searched the keywords {names buttonclick _ ARRAY freeSpot[][] list" = NULL searchString = = currentPage "imager" maxCount = (categories wordCheck = -- found will be just starting "Search" = startItem = 1 startPage = 1 startRow = 1 startCol = 1 allFlag = TRUE FALSE -- walk through thumbnail , looking )each desired whatItem = whatIndex = findItem( whatPage = whatPageNum = findPageNumber( numpages = -- numPages thisPage = +i-1) -- j][k] <> targetObj = ( j][k])&&" foundFlag = targetText = match h(actualName -- one, currentCategoryPage i > 1 actualCategoryPage tabOffset = 0 lastTab currentItem flipTabs "tabs" "main" flushHighlight nameString = "(unnamed)" keyString = "(no statusString = z&&"-"&& K&"." statusbar = (j&k) -- where we h,i,j,k = default >buttonClick -- didn't msgBox(str_search(), str_noMatch(), "INFORMATION", "OKCANCEL") -- _), str_backToStart(), "QUESTION", "YESNO") B"OK" ,mode), the timer SYSTEM s_hWNDInfo = NULL isOpen "info" startInfoTimer "title" = str_toolbook()&&str_appName() stop stopInfoTimer doSystemInfo whatHandle, whatMsg, wparam, lpLow, lpHi infoTimer "hi" "hilite" freeMem = art_getFreeSpace(0) zfreemem %"###,###" freeGDI = art_getFreeSystemResources(1) freeUSER = fileSize = art_fileSize( ,&&"unknown # %"###,###" freeSpace = art_freeSpace( %"###,###" "info1" 8&CRLF&\ str_compressed()&&(lastSaved &&str_bytes()& (categories 8)&&str_categories()& ")-1&&str_items() "info2" x&str_ofMemory()& &str_diskSpace()& &"% GDI"&&str_resources()& -- register a windows (3 sec) -- used update every 3 infoTimerID, = 4843 = windowhandle 6 = art_SetTimer( L,3000,0) -- intialize dialog "","", -- watch message translateWindowMessage on 275 -- kill art_KillTimer( untranslateWindowMessage 275 -- update the progress bar whatValue inc "frame" / maxCount = mode ,maxSize -- initialize resetProgress x = sysPageUnitsPerPixel * 2 y = el * 2 = NULL "bar" fullsize view on click WM_RBUTTONUP whathandle, whatMsg, wParam, lpLow, lpHi SYSTEM s_art_dragObj AUTHOR extractObject viewObj ready WM_LBUTTONDOWN WORD hWndPrevMouseCapture bj, s_art_lastPos bitAND 8 = 8 isControl = TRUE FALSE <4 = 4 isShift = -- = NULL currentObject lastPosition clipboard copyObj editObj -- capture mouse messages initMouseMoveMsgs e = art_SetCapture(clienthandle "imager") WM_LBUTTONUP LOCAL DWORD mouseXY POINT newPos "STRING newObj untranslateMouseMove art_ReleaseCapture() a = ( actualPage = normalizeMouse( pagePos = clientToPageUnits( actualPos = pageUnitsToScreen( mouseY = ( D) bitShiftLeft 16 / 2)) / 2)) = art_windowFromPoint( whatName = nameOfFile( (str_TBEXE() str_MTBEXE() o<> cursor "no drop" whatWin = nameOfWindow(hwnd) = sysclienthandle art_getParent( noOp() status = executeTBKMessage( windowreffromhandle("& &");"&\ onBackground " destination = currentpage "newobj = copyObject("& j);"&\ " newSpot = "& &";"&\ screenToPageunits("& );"&\ = IT;"&\ "scrapObj evaluateTBKMessage( walkobj( msgBox("Copy Error",str_dragError(), "Stop", "Ok", 1, "task") "PRINTMAN.EXE" startPage = 4= 1,1 doPrint e <> WM_MOUSEMOVE 3 = x,y location form windows convert a point relative under -- over a toolbook app valid -- manager handler puts keywords thumbnail oldCursor dragRect -- bounding isObject(" >)&&" actualObj nameString = actualName %"(unnamed)" keyString = "(no statusString = z&&"-"&& , rightclick/ ISPACE statusbar = > 32767 -65535 > 32767 -65535 -- findout ARRAY freeSpot[2][4] flushHighlight /"main" loc = = objectFromPoint( #) ; -- "PAGEBACKGROUND" "backdrop" currentPage ] <> -- This handles adding the ScrapBook -- via windows clipboard buttonClick SYSTEM STACK s_scriptObjList "imager" `= TRUE /"art" !skip artCount = "clipart"&&( sysSuspendMessages = pasteSpecial they cancelled out dialog, abort = NULL /"main" = default '= FALSE necessary ) > 1 whatObj = nscripts status = walkObj ( centerObj update category doDialog " ", str_objectCategory(), NOT isOpen -- close currentCategory combobox " thumbnail findPage targetRect = findFreeSpot( newObj = copyObject( [scrapbook_script actualObj actualPage "&"E& actualName keywords comboBox " wrapItUp 1993,1994. Asymetrix Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * 9gives you permission e, revise, reuse the * --* individual scripts your own * --* applications. You may P entire --* substantial part redistribution i product. * retains copyright on original elements . Include notice: --* "Portions 1993, 1994. they contain copied --* Author: Michael Florence --* Information on how organized: --* The thumbnails are shown a child called "imager". This * displays Xactual * --* full con the comments * will refer ~ which should be * --* interpeted fits /). * --* If looking --* Multi-instance drag drop code: --* primarily --* relies heavily overriding ToolBook behavior ]Windows * --* API functions. SDK documentation probably be * --* helpful understanding --* Using TBM_EVALUATE TBM_EXECUTE --* uses --* initTBMs, executeTBKMessage evaluateTBKMessage handlers. --* easy lift out another * --* progress --* shows --* /modify --* Printing --* dialog ( ") sets up options * --* calls doPrint --* Handling Translated messages SaveAs --* about * --* resolve problem. translating --* . (also see Script Library) * enterApplication SYSTEM LOGICAL s_oldRightClick -- reset screen = "inset" -- intialize initDLLs structures initVars = sysReaderRightClick k = FALSE leaveApplication lpExpression, lpRetValue, lpEvalStruct, lpBuffer -- release memory held freeWinPointer( X"tb40dos.dll" X"tb40dlg. X"tb40win. X"user" X"kernel" /= "art" sysPageUnitsPerPixel <> lastUnits '= TRUE fieldUpdate buttonUpdate frameUpdate -- INITIALIZATION HANDLERS STRING art_removeFile = LONG art_fileSize = getFileSize ) art_freeSpace = getFreeDiskSpace ( sortTextlines = art_sortList = listToTextline = art_textlineToList = INT art_sendKeys = sendkeys POINTER getWinPointer = getMemBlock (DWORD) = freeMemBlock ( 3 art_registerWindowMessage = RegisterWindowMessage ( art_sendMessage = SendMessage art_findWindow = FindWindow art_getWindow = art_getParent = getWindowText = GetWindowText ( ,INT) art_getClassWord = GetClassWord ( art_windowFromPoint = WindowFromPoint ( art_setCapture = SetCapture art_releaseCapture = ReleaseCapture () art_messageBox = MessageBox art_getFreeSystemResources= GetFreeSystemResources ( tickCount = GetTickCount () tTimer = SetTimer ,INT, killTimer = KillTimer 3 art_postMessage = PostMessage y art_getModuleFilename = GetModuleFilename ( art_globalAlloc = GlobalAlloc art_globalFree = GlobalFree art_globalLock = GlobalLock art_globalUnlock = GlobalUnlock art_globalReAlloc = GlobalReAlloc art_Globalhandle = art_getTempFileName = GetTempFileName art_getFreeSpace = GetFreeSpace ( registers allocates necessary buffers build msgExecute, msgEvaluate nRetValueLength, nMaxMsgSize X = art_RegisterWindowMessage(" pointers t = 4096 n = 1024 c failed = NULL translates mouse initTranslatedMsgs msgCallBack imagerhandle xisOpen . = clienthandle translateWindowMessage on 513 WM_LBUTTONDOWN on 514 WM_LBUTTONUP on 515 WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK on 516 WM_RBUTTONDOWN on 517 WM_RBUTTONUP a custom callback be used translated a "SAVE AS". SAVEAS doCallBack initMouseMoveMsgs on 512 WM_MOUSEMOVE untranslateMouseMove untranslateWindowMessage 512 -- initialize tabOffset ; -- tracks what displayed actualCategoryPage ; -- holds a category sub- currentCategoryPage ; -- lastTab ; -- 9clicked currentItem 8= 1 ; -- update ; -- main needs updating -- MENU EDIT selected enterMenu whatMenu, whatAlias = " $<> " currentObject disable e"copyObj" e"deleteObj" e"editObj" e"viewObj" enable hard codes a lookup table -- If renamed, still be sent must be untranslated retranslated. saves -- comparison posted saveAs s_art_currentBook, 4info oldDate = = str_dateTime() lastSaved ourselves art_PostMessage( ,0,0) copies clipboard LOCAL whatPage, , obj isObject( oldCursor = K = currentPage actualPage -- replace gotScript walkobj( statusbar = str_objectCopied() deletes ARRAY freeSpot[2][4] , whatName, actualObj -- cache speed -- 8= findItem( -- appropriate placeholder array FREESPOT -- flushHighlight s_art_dragObj " = currentcategory 8&&"-"&&actualName currentpage keywords moves oldCategory = -- can't ostandard routine because I want preload strings -- default itself " = " " = combobox " %modal -- OK, CANCEL -- closed -- Only comboBox " -- findPage targetRect = findFreeSpot( newObj = copyObject( whatpage (categories 8= i-1 lasttab wrapItUp placing }thumnail does a te temp filename compactScrapBook lpMem, tempFile vRef, pRef (192) " = art_GetTempFileName(0," " && QUOTE & " " && fileName = startInfoTimer " removes clipart resets removeAllObjects freespot[2][4] asure msgBox(str_reset(),str_OKtoReset(), "Stop", "OkCancel", 2, "task") sysSuspendMessages = -- -- $ > 1 -- currentTab artCount -- $tabs 9"&i) fliptabs 0 -- >%viewers defaultPosition b"" = " "" = " %" = " " = " # traps creroutes doDialog " ", str_printOptions() " box. aboutScrapBook ", str_about(), systemInfo -- UTILITY windows messagebox -- NOTE: whatButtons, defaultButton, modality 'optional parameters -- defaults, a single OK appliciationModal whatCaption, whatMessage, whatIcon, p whatStyle hWnd retValue 6 = 0x0001 = "AbortRetryIgnore" a = 0x0002 = "YesNoCancel" = 0x0003 = 0x0004 = "RetryCancel" = 0x0005 H0x0010 = "Question" H0x0020 = "Exclamation" H0x0030 H0x0040 H0x0100 H0x0200 H0x1000 H0x2000 = "" = "" (sysWindowhandle, = "OK" = "Yes" = "No" key being pressed Escape cdragging &hWndPrevMouseCapture 5re <> art_ReleaseCapture() art_SetCapture( +common dialogs (except -- arguments: ) = non ymeans MODAL G' ; --KLUDGE |) <> -- If executed -- For more information, y-OpenScript Libarary s_hWNDInfo -same untranslateAllWindowMessages -- stopInfoTimer -- -- walks returns .desired one whatItem -- LOCALIZE: . gets added findPageNumber -- prints ,startPage, numPages +cale ' prevSize, prevSpot printerPageBitmap = be scaled printerScaling = "Printer" )Actual" -- scaling thisPage = numpages groupFlag = >+ i - 1) ) > 1 obj = b(1250, b(50, -- MULTI-INSTANCE SUPPORT 3apps running finds 2instances. Load up I3booklist passed listBooks bookList[][] Hreference >+counter %*(windowhandle 0,0) <> 0 -- <> 0 = nameOfFile( -- 's a str_TBEXE() str_MTBEXE() whatWin = nameOfWindow( windowRefFromhandle( ) <> parenthandle znothing noOp() str_toolBookCaption() #n())+1 buffSize = = checkBuffer( ][1] = ][2] = ][3] = art_getWindowText( 1,80) modulehandle = ,-16) 1,80) , whatMsg . wRetType ) = 9 fa know value so we can test later pointerSTRING(0, 2"TBM_FAILED") pointerPOINTER(0, pointerWORD(4, pointerINT(10, xguarentee success Y = i*,0, was successful appName()," ) on:"&CRLF& ", 1, " bytes needed newSize newlp = directCopy(),str_tooMany(), " @5 = n)only during dev :be removed prior myReset 7" = " 8" = " S;" = " >%" = " [dropdownitems "picker" " = " lastChecked "info1" "info2" -- CODE COMMENTING scans -- mode 2 = ?remote -- 3 = walkObj obj, K'STACK k = 2 ;" = str_commenting() <" = str_uncommenting() 0 = getObjectList( M"&obj&", 8))") 71 = &' = G' <> resetProgress targetScript maxCount w=" = 2 <> whatObj commentScript : property bring = 0 = -- 1 = > = 0 I3 = str_notice() scrapbook_script h) = str_miniNotice() aBremainder entirely -- facilitate internationalization str_toolbook "TB40.EXE" "MTB40. str_appName str_version "Version" str_infoString1 "Created "Copyright 1994"& " TFon" str_infoString2 B3.0"& 1994"& " -- Memory Strings str_noMem "Out str_noAlloc memChunk "Could v6"&& str_memError str_memNoFree 1Abeen @ OK "mm/dd/yy hh: jAMPM" "About str_objectCategory str_keywordSearch "Keyword str_directCopy "Direct -E- " "There Ftoo many e. Either @ some reduce str_dragError "An ERROR occurred trying Try reducing -- Code Commenting str_warning "WARNING!" str_make -- MAKE Continue I risk." userproperty -- TAB str_category str_categoryChange change str_enterNewName "Enter a str_multipleObjects "Multiple str_moreThanOne 8 one 3grouped G correctly" str_NoItems F books." Viewer str_copying "Copying" str_scanning "Scanning" "Uncommenting" str_printing str_search str_noMatch "No match found." str_backToStart beginning?" str_objectDescription str_mustEnter str_compressed str_bytes str_categories str_items str_ofMemory str_diskSpace str_resources -- HELP TEXT str_helpText "Paste {currently on B"flipleft" "Show B"flipright" B"backwardTab" K:. ( B"forwardTab" A: = T: = M+5)" SPACE ,&H.& ,&H.& actualCategoryPage whatPage makeNewPage utfreespot currentCategory findFreeSpot mrealSize centerObj mySelection thumbNail ,&H.& `9lastTab tabOffset actualCategoryPage tabOffset FALSE imager mnumpages `currentCategoryPage vtfreeSpot currentItem whatPage mnumPages lastTab a9lastTab currentItem _findItem currentItem tabOffset taboffset currentCategory findPage centerObj 3QcurrentObject objList COMBOBOX massageObj group paint object objType mrealSize whatObj STAGE picture RECORDFIELD BUTTON massageObj imager massageObj setFreeSpot 4QcurrentObject update thumbNail update wrapItUp actualName keyword keywords lcategory t/str_objectCategory dialog 5UdoDialog category getCategory push left fast push right fast imager resetThumbnails previous zsflushHighlight flipPage ,&H.& ,&H.& utfreespot imager mnumpages `currentCategoryPage numpages resetThumbnails ,&H.& ,&H.& imager 4QcurrentObject flushHighlight actualCategoryPage FALSE mnumPages `currentCategoryPage vtfreespot `currentCategoryPage mnumPages currentcategory makeNewPage utfreespot vtfreeSpot setFreeSpot w, "V w, "V w, "V `9lastTab tabOffset actualCategoryPage tabOffset categories dflipTabs backwardTab lastTab update currentItem tabOffset buttonClick w, "V tabOffset `9lastTab categories Update .'+ + whatItems msgBox exclamation str_directCopy whatItem str_NoItems listBooks picker dialog doDirectCopy 5UdoDialog selected items whatItems Mart_listToTextline book list buttonClick .'+ +F w, #? 1, #> .'+ +F .'+ +F clipart newObj keyword {artCount executeString keywords lcategory progress t/str_objectCategory currentCategory whatObj str_copying progress ;dest = iresetProgress {artCount actualPage getOut default 7walkObj update AngledLine,Field,Picture,Arc,Group,Pie,Polygon,IrregularPolygon,Button,Line,Rectangle,Curve,RoundedRectangle,ComboBox,Stage,Ellipse,PaintObject executeTBKMessage targetRect wrapItUp dialog actualName imager There is no supported object selected. );obj= actualObj #{maxCount ss = sysSuspendMessages;sysSuspendMessages = TRUE;in windowRefFromhandle( findFreeSpot ;get copyObject(obj,dest);end;sysSuspendMessages = ss !evaluateTBKMessage centerObj scrapbook_script category 5UdoDialog status selection of this window QfindPage doDirectCopy progress default getOut w, "V .'+ +F .'+ +F w, "c ,&H.& w, "V 1, "c ,&H.& ,&H.& w, "D w, "D ,&H.& foundFlag str_noMatch startItem YESNO search list firstPage tabOffset FALSE dflipTabs str_search targetText allFlag whatPage whatPageNum currentCategory found whatItem a9lastTab nameString actualName actualCategoryPage statusbar (no keywords) currentItem tabOffset categories whatIndex keyString (unnamed) found startRow imager mnumpages str_backToStart `currentCategoryPage thisPage targetObj OKCANCEL QUESTION msgBox numpages \dfindPageNumber statusString _findItem utfreeSpot Search zsflushHighlight words searchString default INFORMATION keywords startPage buttonclick w, #? startInfoTimer s_hWNDInfo 3str_toolbook title str_appName enterpage s_hWNDInfo estopInfoTimer leavePage w, #> w, #? w, #? w, "V -%, #> w, #? V, #> w, #? w, #? w, #? w, #? w, #? w, #? w, #? NHstr_diskSpace art_getFreeSpace str_compressed fstr_resources % GDI categories art_getFreeSystemResources fileSize str_items art_fileSize str_bytes freeSpace freeMem freeGDI unknown # of info2 ###,### infoTimer % USER xstr_categories hilite 7str_ofMemory 1art_freeSpace info1 freeUSER lastSaved doSystemInfo s_hWNDInfo doSystemInfo 5doSystemInfo infoTimerID infoTimer (art_SetTimer startInfoTimer s_hWNDInfo infoTimerID Jart_KillTimer infoTimer stopInfoTimer w, #? frame progress "{maxCount "LmaxSize progress .', 7 frame progress "{maxCount #{maxCount #LmaxSize resetProgress w, #? .'+ +F clipart targetRect keyword newObj imager actualPage {artCount actualName keywords lcategory t/str_objectCategory currentCategory actualObj QfindPage 5UdoDialog whatObj centerObj dialog {artCount wrapItUp scrapbook_script default category 7walkObj update findFreeSpot status buttonClick main" &File &Open Ctrl+O &Save Ctrl+S Save &As... saveas Print Set&up... printsetup &Print Pages... Ctrl+P printpages E&xit Alt+F4 &Edit &Copy Object Ctrl+C copyObj Copy current object to clipboard. &Delete Object Del deleteObj Delete current object. &Edit Object Ctrl+E editObj Edit category of current object. &View Full Size Ctrl+F viewObj Remove All Objects Erase all items and reset the book. &Help Contents F1 About ToolBook... About ScrapBook... &System Info... Ctrl+I reader menu reader menu wwwwwwwp wwwwwwwp wwwwwp wwwwwp wwwwwwwp wwwwwwwp wwwwwwwp wwwwwp wwwwwp wwwwwwwp ScrapBook ScrapBook wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwp wwwwwpwp wwwwwwwwwp search no drop F & & K *ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* Viewer *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve Field RecordField ComboBox Button PaintObject Picture Hotword *RHOTWORD* Group Stage *TbxBase* & oup bxBase* & bxBase* 8 , " wj& HHt -